Use these talking points for meetings with your local elected officials and decision-makers (e.g. mayors, presidents, trustees, council members):
- Adopt and actively implement a local Complete Streets Policy so that all road users are considered in future transportation plans and projects.
- Develop and actively implement an Active Transportation Plan that maps out our community’s vision: We want a connected and equitable network of low-stress bikeways, trails, sidewalks, and transit access.
- Commit to establishing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Council to help advise and advance the implementation of bicycle and pedestrian projects and policies.
- Commit to prioritizing pedestrian safety improvements at the most dangerous intersections and crossings. Set a goal to eliminate traffic fatalities.
- Prioritize and secure a fair share of funding for walking, biking, and public transportation with a dedicated line item in the local transportation budget each year.
- Connect gaps in the regional trail network and improve access to trails for those walking, biking, and using public transit.
- Support regional efforts to identify new revenue sources to support the maintenance and expansion of public transit.