Botany Hills Connector Concept

The newly built Riverfront Commons trail follows the Ohio River through the Covington neighborhood of Botany Hills. Botany Hills is a hillside neighborhood located in West Covington and adjacent to the Ludlow, KY. The Botany Hills neighborhood has 668 residential addresses most of which are single family homes, several churches, a preschool, a couple of retail businesses, and an apartment tower for the elderly and disabled.
The Riverfront Commons trailhead located at the western terminus at Swain Court is not easily accessible for a large portion of the neighborhood due to the location of Highway Ave (KY 8). Between 2005 – 2019, there have been 504 documented instances of automobile crashes on Highway Ave / KY 8 in West Covington. These collisions have resulted in 92 injuries. Five of those injured were people riding a bike; two were walking. This injury rate is 40% higher than on 3rd Street, which feeds into Highway Avenue.
The closest legal crosswalk is located at Western Ave and Highway Ave (KY 8). We propose to build a 250’ multi-use path with barrier on the north side of Highway Ave heading west from Western Ave to the flood wall gate.
To make this a reality, we will need the support of:
City of Covington
KY Transportation Department District 6
Residents of Covington and Botany Hills
Adjacent Businesses
If you live in or travel through Botany Hills, we need your help. Take action by registering below to let the City and KYTC know you support this project. We will also email you updates as well as opportunities for further action.