Tell KYTC: Traffic is not increasing, we don’t need four lanes!

Contrary to what the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) has been claiming, traffic along the Licking River Crossing has not increased in over ten years. According to the OKI and Newport Police traffic counts, since 2010 eastbound traffic has stayed about the same, and westbound traffic has actually decreased by over 1,000 cars per day. 

The KYTC’s proposed redesign of the Licking River Bridge is built around the idea that increasing traffic warrants the construction of a bigger, wider, and more costly four-lane bridge. But the numbers show that cars are not our future. With more people working hybrid or fully remote — not to mention skyrocketing gas prices — the need for a giant four-lane bridge accommodating car traffic grows less and less necessary. With fewer lanes, the route will be less favorable to navigation systems and will result in less thru-traffic, especially important to our peaceful, historic neighborhoods. 

Vision Zero NKY believes in a more resilient and equitable transportation system where people can walk, scooter, skateboard, bus, bike, and wheelchair with ease. A two-lane bridge is much less expensive than the four-lane bridge proposed by KYTC. From high up-front construction costs to never-ending long-term maintenance expenses, the proposed redesign plans from KYTC will be extremely demanding of the taxpayer. 

If this graphic should tell you anything, it’s that we don’t need the four-lane bridge that KYTC is proposing. Tell your elected officials that you believe the Licking River Crossing should be a two-lane, pedestrian-priority bridge. Sign Vision Zero NKY’s petition to representatives here:

Fourth Street Bridge Traffic

Vehicles Per Day – 2010 OKI Traffic Counts & 2022 Newport Police Traffic Counts